
Monday, March 15, 2010

Baby Step 1 to Using Sign-In with Twitter

I decided to use "Sign-In with Twitter", which will allow artists already signed-in to twitter access to my booking program, without having to use (or remember) another username and password. Hooray!

Unfortunately, it's not that simple! Boooooo!

Fortunately for you artists reading my blog, I'm going to show you how to do it while I'm figuring it out for myself. (Anyone with a simpler faster example, feel free to leave a comment.)

1. Sign-In with Twitter requires something called the Twitter Application Programming Interface.

2. Using the Twitter Application Programming Interface requires understanding something called cURL.

3. Using cURL requires understanding something called PHP.

4. Using PHP requires understanding something called HTML.

So let's take baby steps by...

1. Writing a 10 second HTML program:

A. open notepad.exe or whatever program you use to type on your computer
B. enter the following 3 lines
My first HTML program!

C. save the program as myhtml.html(the ".html" is the file extension, which tells the computer what type of file this is)
D. close myhtml.html
E. Double-Click myhtml.html (since you saved it as a ".html" file, it will open with a web browser, like Firefox, IE, or Safari)
F. Notice that "My first HTML program!" shows in the browser, but <html> and </html> don't. Remember this, because HTML, PHP, cURL, and Twitter-API all have 2 parts: the text that shows up in the browser just as you typed it, and the part that tells the browser to do things but is not itself displayed.

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